Why You Don't Need A Macro Lens

One of my all-time favorite genres of photography is macro photography. There are some amazing things to be captured on a small scale but the cost to entry when buying a macro lens can be hundreds of dollars if not a couple thousand. What if I told you that you could capture stunning macro images using any lens you already own for less than $100?

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The Best Photography Backup Workflow as a Photographer

Nothing is more important to a photographer than their photos; especially if they are a professional; making their livelihood from photography. Over the years I have had many conversations with professionals and amateurs in person and through social media and you would be surprised how few people actually know how to properly back up their images.

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How to Earn Money from Photography on Instagram

Who doesn’t want to earn income from Instagram? Instagram can be a fantastic tool for photographers to advertise their work and share their images for people to see. It can also provide a fantastic amount of passive income when used properly. In this article, I want to provide you with the top 10 best ways to make money from Instagram as a photographer and give my own experience with the options I employ myself.

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